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How to make a flash gallery?

Flash Slideshow Factory can also create flash gallery for websites, follow this tutorial, it's easy and only need 3 steps to complete. Download and install our product to start.

Download ThunderSoft Flash Slideshow Factory


Step 1 - Create a new project and add your photos.


Step 2 - On "Template" page, scroll down the template list to "Thumbnail". There are many templates for photo gallery. Let's select a simple template: "Simple1 (2x7)". If you need a background music, click <Music> button to add it.


Step 3 - Go to "Publish" page, to make a flash gallery, you need publish as .swf file format. Choose "Make SWF/HTML ", and publish your gallery. After publish successfully, you can embed the output file into your web pages to show off.

See a flash gallery sample which make with our product: Car show